The season of Back-to-school causes stress, and stress affects sleep, among other things. Lately the sleeping arrangements in our household reads like one of those logic problems on the LSAT test.
In a house lives a family. There are 2 mothers, 2 daughters, and 2 pets. There are three bedrooms containing four beds, each a different size:
Any given morning, nobody wakes up in the bed they began in the previous night. Except for the dog. Viva la crate training!
My philosophy is: as long as people are sleeping, I don't care where it happens.
Posted by: Meg | 03 September 2009 at 01:05 PM
We usually wake up in the bed we started with - except the dogs - Daisy does a rotation from darkness until light, sleeping either in front of the kids rooms or in them, then back to me and the "spare side." The other two dogs aren't quite as mobile
Posted by: Lori Hahn | 03 September 2009 at 01:37 PM
I like that!
Posted by: Robin Reagler | 03 September 2009 at 01:57 PM
Yep we have those too! We finally adapted the rule that if you need to sleep in Mom's room, you are welcome to do so on our floor. They must not wake us in the process unless it is to help find a blanket. Pete usually comes over with a pillow and blanket. Linus is getting better at finding his own blanket now too. Cuppie is our lone bed sleeper...for now anyway!
Posted by: Tracy | 03 September 2009 at 02:57 PM
That rules sounds good. Very good!
Posted by: Robin Reagler | 03 September 2009 at 04:07 PM